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Quit your job! Don't be a Sheep!

How do you measure happiness? How do you measure success? Are you happy if you're with your partner? Are you successful if you have money? Honestly I don't know why we think about this so much. Don't get me wrong I think about this all the time and get myself into slumps where I believe I am just a failure. My job is stressful, I get paid peanuts and the only thing I really enjoy doing is escaping reality. I obviously love going on holiday and going to theme parks and stuff like that. Yet, these are almost just a yearly treat... Or never. Due to having no money, ever. Do you ever sit there and think, "is this really it?" Your whole life consists of... Being a baby - useless (no one remembers that) Nursery - useless (not a clue) School - 7 years! (7 years of your life just preparing you for the next school.) Secondary school - 5 years! (The best years of your life, this is where the peak is. So many friends, so many opportunities to do things o...

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