London terror attack - please read
Right. Pre warning, this is going to be another rant but one I believe needs to be addressed.
As I am sure everyone has seen, London fell victim to a terrorist attack with their intention of getting into Westminster, to which he did not succeed and was thankfully shot dead. Although the terrorist killed 4 people, 3 with his car and 1 he stabbed to death, he also left over 40 injured.
Now, I know this is terrible and you want to show your pride and solidarity by sharing any and all union jack flags and pride in Britain flags etc. Which is ofcourse fine, but please check what page has posted them. Racist propaganda groups such as EDL, Britain first and the national front (to name a few) use times like this to expand their followers and their reach through these kinds of posts. The posts may look innocent enough, but they are not. By all means show solidarity, and mourne with the rest of the country. Hate the scum that did it, be glad he got what he deserved but DO NOT blame the Islamic faith!
This man is nothing more than a cowardly, murdering cunt. Hiding behind the premise of religion to try and justify his mindless killings. This man is not Muslim, this man is an extremist, I don't even want to call him an extremist Muslim as he doesn't deserve to mentioned as part of that faith. he's just a fucking murdering scum bag. I have Muslim friends and Muslim work colleagues, other than their aversion to pork they are the kindest and most helpful people you could ever meet. So please don't paint everyone under the same brush. I know it's easier to do so, you need someone to blame and vent your anger towards but the Muslim faith is NOT where this anger should be aimed at. All that anger you have should be going nowhere else but towards the piece of shit that did this.
How can someone call themselves a Muslim and then use their religion as armour to which all the blame gets heaped onto? Why would you want to bring hatred towards your faith? Do you want to start another war? Do you want the inevitable retaliation? Are you seriously using the excuse of people not being Muslim as a right to kill them? Any regular Muslim would never dream of bringing this negative impact onto their religion. They would never want someone to be forced into and radicalised into following their religion, the Qu'ran even forbids it! Stating that a person must choose religion willingly and must never be coerced into it. Finally they would NEVER kill another person it is strictly forbidden in the Qu'ran! It states that if you were to kill a single soul it is as if you have killed all mankind, if you are to save a life it is as if you have saved all mankind. Now does that sound like anything this fucking scumbag could even remotely relate to? No! So don't even call him a radical/extremist Muslim, call him what he is and that is a fucking murderer.
So please, do not share or 'Like' any of these posts from these racist, propaganda filled pages, you only help spread their bullshit. Post Union Jacks, write your own status, voice your outrage but don't share anything without knowing the source. As for that fucking wank picture of the lady in the hijab "walking past dying man looking at her phone, not caring" just shut the fuck up. She looks mortified in that picture. There are 5-6 people already crowding around the person, what is she meant to do? Is she a doctor? Probably not. No one knows how they will react in that situation, you may think you do but you don't. The fear that everyone must have felt at that time, confusion also. No one fancy moaning about the guy taking the picture? "Someone is dying, person stops to take picture instead of helping" no? Didn't think so. There are videos of people filming all the bodies on their phone, not stopping, not a word said. Not only this but the lady is clearly Muslim and there is a suspected terrorist attack right where you happen to be, the amount of racist bigots that there are in this country she was probably terrified someone may attack her purely for wearing her hijab. So again please think before posting or commenting on shit like this!
We are already exiting Europe which will leave us to fend for ourselves here on our tiny little island and the only way we are going to succeed on this journey is if everyone works together. Black, white, Asian, Latino, fucking rainbow! Gay, straight, bisexual! Female, male, transsexual, transgender, non gender specific! Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhism, Scientology, Athiest, no religion at all, If you believe the world was made by a half chicken, half rat with the ability to make a human with every 'cluck' or 'squeek'. All of these things are just WORDS. Words written on a page and given meaning by someone thousands of years ago. There is ONE fundamental similarity to all of these and that is that you're all fucking human! Wether you voted to remain in the EU or to leave the EU the decision has been made and it's now time to work together. We may fail completely or we may strive, neither are garenteed, the only garentee is if he begin fighting amongst ourselves and stop working together, we will fail.
As the world shows solidarity in this time, not only here in the U.K. but for every act of terrorism throughout the world stand up tall and say "we are not afraid!" Fear is what they want and we will not give it to them!
Thank you for reading
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