CARTOON NOSTALGIA (Part 2) - Pokémon adventures!
Okay! Part 2 of our trip down memory lane with our daily fix of nostalgia! (Warning! If you have already had your nostalgia injection for the day, you may certainly overdose on this shit!)
I believe 'Cow and Chicken' was number 7 and the last entry in the blog so I'll begin at number 8 (if you did not read part 1 there is the link alternatively you could just go on the main page and click the blog... whatever is easiest!)
8) Time for some HEAVY hitters... Mother... Fucking... Pokémon! Release date 1997 - Present! It started 20 years ago and is still going strong. There is not a person on this planet that does not know about Pokémon in one way or another! It took the world by storm and we have ridden that storm ever since! One of the saddest moments of everyone's childhood, I'm sure it needs no introduction but when Ash is turned to stone and Pikachu is crying... just 😭😭😭😭. Never has there been such a bond between man and mouse... well maybe 'Stuart Little' or that Chef bloke from ratatouille... nah definitely Pikachu and Ash! Everything went Pokémon mad! Merchandise everywhere! Anyone else buy the Pokeball toy, launch it at your pet and feel immediately aggrieved that you are not the proud owner of 'Fido' entry number 153 in the Pokedex? I sure as shit know I did! No merchandise came close to the success of Pokémon trading cards though. Those things... you would literally sell your clothes, bed, house and your Nan just for a shiny Charizard. You had one of those bastards in junior school you was basically the 'Godfather' drawing the entire school to you just to get a glimpse of it (now if there is a large group formed at school it's either a fight or a drug deal... times were much simpler back then.) There was always that one kid that would walk into school one day with some fucked up looking shiny, covered in Japanease writing, it was usually Mew. They would come up to someone and be like "yeah I got this ultra rare limited addition Japanese Mew from my dads mate who goes to Asia on business trips, it's worth about a grand in England, ill trade it with you for all your shineys" get fucked with your shite little card you bastard. Now baring in mind what I'm about to tell you happened in year 3 making me 7-8 years old so roughly 17 years ago and I still feel bad about this! You know in junior school you all got your own little shitty tray with your blinged out name on it? Well mine was directly above my friend Angus. I go to put some epic artwork into my tray when I saw the shine of a Pokémon card, it was like the holy grail! Devil on one shoulder, angel the other moment. Steal one, don't steal one (of course the devil always wins). So I look around me, no one is watching. I delve into his tray and withdraw one card, a shiney chansey! Holy shit! I did not have that one so i delve in again, Charizard! What a moment. That was all I needed so I stopped stealing from my friend. Later I see him in the playground distraught at his tragic loss, time to cover my arse. I stroll over to him and put a comforting arm round him and said "mate, heard about what happened. I'll get your cards back, ill trade some of mine. You can have my shiny Chancey if you like? that was one that was lost right?" He said it was okay and told me to keep it. Cheers mate! I'm still sorry about thi bro, if you're reading this I got a lot of shineys for that charizard, legend. Of course shortly after this incident Pokémon cards were banned at my school and having Charizard meant nothing... fucking karma! Then cam the games, Red, Blue, Yellow followed by about 10 more and are still being released now! For anyone who has seen the cartoon the Nurse is always called Nurse Joy and they all look identical, this is no exception in the game! HOWEVER, in the game she is one evil and sadistic bitch! You rush to the Pokémon centre with your dying or dead Pokémon, they are in desperate need of healing. She takes them and heals them, no problem. She hands your precious Pokémon back to you informing you of their new found health, no problem. THEN, she says "have a nice day, I hope to see you again soon!".......... you what? You hope to see me again soon? Considering the only reason I would come to the Pokémon centre is if my Pokémon are dead or hurt you want that to happen!? Evil woman! With the addition of Pokémon Go! Pokémon is not going to die any time soon.
9) Rugrats! Release date 1991!!! 26 years ago! - just the most epic of shows. Big up Chucky my ginger G. I don't even know where to begin with this show! Can't help but wonder if this is genuinely how baby's communicate and get up to all their mischief. I for one know I'm not letting any evil little 4-5 year olds around my baby because Angelica was a prick! I just remember wanting to be Tommy, only because I couldn't be dealing with being called Chucky for about 10 years... film was banging as well when Reptar went full Godzilla mode and starts going to town on France! They sung a song during the film, can't quite remember how it goes I just remember it being amazing! I remember one episode one of the twins start routing around in their belly button and pull out their belly button fluff and proceed to eat it! But Tommy (maybe Chucky) had an outie and couldn't join in the fun, once and for all proving that having an outie sucks major donkey willy. Another episode depicted Chucky failing to do things such as write and draw as well as the other kids to which he was pretty much exiled, turns out he was left handed! Leave the poor kid alone, ginger, glasses, buck teeth, left handed with an outie! Chuckie is literally if you combined myself and my mate Ben you would get Chuckie. The ginger abuse in this show was next level! It was still awesome though!
10) Hey Arnold! Release date 1996! 21 years ago! Come on, admit it you all just said "Move it football head" at the mere mention of the show! The immortal catchphrase uttered by Helga the monobrow bully who actually fancies Arnold a whole lot. See cartoons in the 90s were surprisingly accurate. Everyone knows if someone of the opposite sex were mean to you back then I usually meant they liked you. Cartoons preparing for the real world more than school did! Not to mention there was the token black guy, dressed all in basket ball gear and carried a basket ball everywhere he went. 90s stereotypes, you just can't beat them!
Looks like I'll have to do a part 3 at some point in the future as I went off on a slight tangent at the Pokémon section. So there's 10 for you to get your nostalgia flowing!
Anyway I'm off to play Pokémon Sun and call Angus 🙈
I believe 'Cow and Chicken' was number 7 and the last entry in the blog so I'll begin at number 8 (if you did not read part 1 there is the link alternatively you could just go on the main page and click the blog... whatever is easiest!)
8) Time for some HEAVY hitters... Mother... Fucking... Pokémon! Release date 1997 - Present! It started 20 years ago and is still going strong. There is not a person on this planet that does not know about Pokémon in one way or another! It took the world by storm and we have ridden that storm ever since! One of the saddest moments of everyone's childhood, I'm sure it needs no introduction but when Ash is turned to stone and Pikachu is crying... just 😭😭😭😭. Never has there been such a bond between man and mouse... well maybe 'Stuart Little' or that Chef bloke from ratatouille... nah definitely Pikachu and Ash! Everything went Pokémon mad! Merchandise everywhere! Anyone else buy the Pokeball toy, launch it at your pet and feel immediately aggrieved that you are not the proud owner of 'Fido' entry number 153 in the Pokedex? I sure as shit know I did! No merchandise came close to the success of Pokémon trading cards though. Those things... you would literally sell your clothes, bed, house and your Nan just for a shiny Charizard. You had one of those bastards in junior school you was basically the 'Godfather' drawing the entire school to you just to get a glimpse of it (now if there is a large group formed at school it's either a fight or a drug deal... times were much simpler back then.) There was always that one kid that would walk into school one day with some fucked up looking shiny, covered in Japanease writing, it was usually Mew. They would come up to someone and be like "yeah I got this ultra rare limited addition Japanese Mew from my dads mate who goes to Asia on business trips, it's worth about a grand in England, ill trade it with you for all your shineys" get fucked with your shite little card you bastard. Now baring in mind what I'm about to tell you happened in year 3 making me 7-8 years old so roughly 17 years ago and I still feel bad about this! You know in junior school you all got your own little shitty tray with your blinged out name on it? Well mine was directly above my friend Angus. I go to put some epic artwork into my tray when I saw the shine of a Pokémon card, it was like the holy grail! Devil on one shoulder, angel the other moment. Steal one, don't steal one (of course the devil always wins). So I look around me, no one is watching. I delve into his tray and withdraw one card, a shiney chansey! Holy shit! I did not have that one so i delve in again, Charizard! What a moment. That was all I needed so I stopped stealing from my friend. Later I see him in the playground distraught at his tragic loss, time to cover my arse. I stroll over to him and put a comforting arm round him and said "mate, heard about what happened. I'll get your cards back, ill trade some of mine. You can have my shiny Chancey if you like? that was one that was lost right?" He said it was okay and told me to keep it. Cheers mate! I'm still sorry about thi bro, if you're reading this I got a lot of shineys for that charizard, legend. Of course shortly after this incident Pokémon cards were banned at my school and having Charizard meant nothing... fucking karma! Then cam the games, Red, Blue, Yellow followed by about 10 more and are still being released now! For anyone who has seen the cartoon the Nurse is always called Nurse Joy and they all look identical, this is no exception in the game! HOWEVER, in the game she is one evil and sadistic bitch! You rush to the Pokémon centre with your dying or dead Pokémon, they are in desperate need of healing. She takes them and heals them, no problem. She hands your precious Pokémon back to you informing you of their new found health, no problem. THEN, she says "have a nice day, I hope to see you again soon!".......... you what? You hope to see me again soon? Considering the only reason I would come to the Pokémon centre is if my Pokémon are dead or hurt you want that to happen!? Evil woman! With the addition of Pokémon Go! Pokémon is not going to die any time soon.
9) Rugrats! Release date 1991!!! 26 years ago! - just the most epic of shows. Big up Chucky my ginger G. I don't even know where to begin with this show! Can't help but wonder if this is genuinely how baby's communicate and get up to all their mischief. I for one know I'm not letting any evil little 4-5 year olds around my baby because Angelica was a prick! I just remember wanting to be Tommy, only because I couldn't be dealing with being called Chucky for about 10 years... film was banging as well when Reptar went full Godzilla mode and starts going to town on France! They sung a song during the film, can't quite remember how it goes I just remember it being amazing! I remember one episode one of the twins start routing around in their belly button and pull out their belly button fluff and proceed to eat it! But Tommy (maybe Chucky) had an outie and couldn't join in the fun, once and for all proving that having an outie sucks major donkey willy. Another episode depicted Chucky failing to do things such as write and draw as well as the other kids to which he was pretty much exiled, turns out he was left handed! Leave the poor kid alone, ginger, glasses, buck teeth, left handed with an outie! Chuckie is literally if you combined myself and my mate Ben you would get Chuckie. The ginger abuse in this show was next level! It was still awesome though!
10) Hey Arnold! Release date 1996! 21 years ago! Come on, admit it you all just said "Move it football head" at the mere mention of the show! The immortal catchphrase uttered by Helga the monobrow bully who actually fancies Arnold a whole lot. See cartoons in the 90s were surprisingly accurate. Everyone knows if someone of the opposite sex were mean to you back then I usually meant they liked you. Cartoons preparing for the real world more than school did! Not to mention there was the token black guy, dressed all in basket ball gear and carried a basket ball everywhere he went. 90s stereotypes, you just can't beat them!
Looks like I'll have to do a part 3 at some point in the future as I went off on a slight tangent at the Pokémon section. So there's 10 for you to get your nostalgia flowing!
Anyway I'm off to play Pokémon Sun and call Angus 🙈
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