Space, the afterlife and washing your hands

Three quatre length shorts, when do they stop being three quatre lengths and start becoming ankle bashers?

There is a mate of mine that goes for a shower in the morning, as you do, spends about 15 minutes in the shower, average, once he's all nice and clean he then proceeds to go for a piss... Why!? Why can't you go for a piss before the shower that way you'll be clean? Further more, he doesn't even wash his hands after! That is literally like rolling around in shit and then cleaning everything but your hands, you just wouldn't do it would you? Animal!

You know what my theory for life after death is? Well less of a theory and more of a hope or a wish. I'm not disapproving of any other theories or beliefs on the great unknown afterlife as I'm a strong believer in you'll get what you want at the end. I would love to just be allowed to explore space in its entirety for the rest of time. To have teleportation and super speed, be invisible, impervious to any harm and just travel to every planet, every star, go for a ride on an asteroid, set foot on the sun, see alians, go through every black hole you see and finally find out what's on the other side, jsee others like you exploring the universe and you just give them a nod, maybe arrange to go for a Starbucks on planet Zekton. You'll never get bored, you'll never not have something to see or do sure you may have to wait a week or 2 if you somehow after billions of years of searching and travelling that you visit every star, every planet, every astariod, every black hole, every space ship, every Alain race, everything in space that we have not even seen before. Wait a while and the ever expanding universe will just make more it will be like waiting for the next season of 'The Walking Dead' or 'Rick and Morty'. When the universe eventually destroys itself you'll be there to witness it. You'll also be there when it reboots itself and you can watch it grow again only this time all the people you met on your travels the first time round will be with you in space and you can take the new and exciting journey together. I don't know about you but that is my idea of heaven, clarity. Finally getting to understand the universe at large, all the questions that we have, all the "what ifs" answered in infinite discovery and exploration. If this isn't the afterlife I'm gunna be pissed!

Does anyone sit there and wonder what the universe is, this going to be really hard to explain bare with me. It's one of those philosophical headache inducing thoughts! The universe is everything, there is nothing but universe, space, trillions of planets and stars and who knows what else is out there in deep space? But is the universe contained inside something else? Urgh I'm getting a headache just thinking about it! I find it hard to go about my day without thinking why we have come to be on a floating rock suspended in vast emptiness supported only by invisible forces discovered by brilliant minds. We sit here and make a life for ourselves as it's what we are told to do but we should always remain inquisitive and curious, if we didn't we would never learn anything. Do you ever think we as a race are meant for something so much more, something so much bigger than the life we have been taught to believe in. Go to school, college, university, job, marry, kid, divorce, marry, kids, new house , retire, die. Surely within the grand concept and vastness of this universe there must be something more we should be doing, right? If you went back in time 1000+ years and explained about the earth, gravity, the universe, suns and planets they would believe your words to be that of fiction, a story for bed time... or they would brandish you a witch or something and have you thrown in a lake but hey either way they wouldn't believe it (I don't know what point I'm trying to make here it was just another thought that popped into my head, don't judge me.)

Why do you wish on a shooting star? Who thought of this idea? Did someone know something we didn't? Has anyone's wishes ever come true from wishing on one? I have never even seen one I'm beginning to think that everyone wishes on an airpolane at night... I do that during the day "I wish I was on that plane going on holiday" is there anyone on this world that doesn't do that? This question is usually followed the the low dulcet drone of "yeah, alright for some" this is usually your mum or your dad, am I right or am I right?

Anyway I need a piss and a shower, see you later people!



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