I'm feeling nostalgic this fine morning and I saw something on Facebook the other day that made me feel old as fuck so now I'm going to share the pain! It's time to talk childhood cartoons baby! Now I know for a fact you will have seen these bad boys. Look at your friend group and ask them what cartoons they watched the most as kids and I almost guarantee they are the same as you. Let's face it you surround yourself with people that are like you, and people are like you due to cartoons and tv because at the end of the day TV raised us all!

1) Ed, Edd and Eddy - Release date 1999. Yep 1999 18 years ago this month! What a show this was though... STOP HUMMING THE THEME TUNE! Did anyone else really want one of those massive gobstoppers? They would literally kill you but i always thought it would be worth it. The political correctnous of that show was non existant though when you look at it now. You got a foreign kid with an unhealthy obsession with his pet chicken/goat and ruins all the kids fun... mildly racist? You got a kid who's a loner and clearly has some Tom Hanks in 'Castaway' type mental illness who's only friend is a fucking plank of wood... and no one seems to give a shit! There was even one episode where he wigged up plank  and drew lipstick on it and went on a date with it. No one even bats an eyelid! Not to mention Ed who clearly has learning difficulties and he's the one the other guys use to hurt himself or do stupid things because he is so easily led.... snide. And let's not forget, one of them is called double D, yes this is innocent as he's Edd with two d's but it's way for fun to have a dirty mind so..👍

2) The Cramp Twins - release date 2001. 16 years ago. Now I was meant to be making you feel old but this is just making me feel worse! Oh well, onwards! Why the fuck was one of the twins blue? Did they think about maybe having one black and one white but thought that was a little racist? I suppose they couldn't have it as the blue one was the naughty little bastard who attacked his brother. If he was black it looked like a portrayal of black people being violent attacking white people? Same if you reversed it and had the white guy attacking the black guy. So they went for a colour that could not be associated with any race but smurf, the blue man group may be slightly ticked off but oh well. Could have both made them white or both blue but nooooooo had to go be awkward. And why was there a thick outline to all the characters on the show? It's like they all have Parkinson's disease or something! Anyway fucking brilliant show!

3) Dextors Laboratory - Release date 1996! 21 years ago!!! There are no words for how old I feel right now! I wouldn't say this was the best cartoon ever made... I'd say it was the best show ever made! This show was just incredible. I mean, mildly questionable that the ginger gets shat on, almost every single occasion but he's a ginger genius so swings and roundabouts? Then you have Dee-Dee a brilliant character which you probably would not get away with these days. She portrays a dumb blonde essentially who just wants to play and dance and do really girly things, mildly sexist but hey it was over 20 years ago, may as well have been the Stone Age! Have you seen that theory that Big Bang Theory is actually based around the characters from dexters lab? Google it mo truckers! Some even have a theory that it is actually a prequel to The Big Bang Theory, would make it semi incest but hey ho. Just a brilliant show, stay strong Dexter my ginger brother.

4) Courage the Cowardly Dog - Release date 1999. 18 years ago! I don't want to talk about this one too much as I'm still deeply scarred by it. Anyone who ever saw this show will agree it was fucking terrifying. Two elderly hillbilly animal abusers sit there while their dog gets chased all over by fucked up creatures. Although he  is abused by his owners he still works his hardest to protect them even when he is scared... Deep DEEP underline meaning man, right in the feels. Still fucking terrifying though!

5) The Powerpuff Girls - Release date 1998. 19 years ago! Every male did not admit to watching this until adulthood where it all of a sudden became okay to say you watched an extremely girly cartoon. Let's face it, it was awesome! Got to feel bad for the professor though, someone so lonely that he decided to make himself some children in a couldron... and they say test tube babies are playing god? Jeeeeeez. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the devil man/woman thing was simply terrifying and all too confusing for our young developing minds! The best name of all time did come out of it though, good old MoJo JoJo!

6) Totally Spies - Release Date 2001. 16 years ago! Does anyone else think that the Totally Spies girls are literally the Powerpuff girls in their teens? This is basically Charlie's Angels and was an awesome show but I only really added to to make the Powerpuff girls reference!

7) Cow and Chicken - Release date 1997. 20 years ago! This was, quite frankly the most disturbing show ever made. A cow and a chicken... who are brother and sister, okay I can deal with it, it's a cartoon... it's fine... it's not fine. Their mum and dad are human.... like what sort of beastiality, animal farm, disgrace is this show!? The amount of Innuendo in the show is through the roof! Cow frequently asking boy if they would like her to "squirt" for them! If that was not already bad enough...  she's meant to be 7 years old!!!!!! Wtffffff!!! On top of all that the amount of arse on show is just unbelievable, you just woul not get away with it these days! The only thing they eat is cereal and the arse of pigs.............. I'm done. Oh and the devil is in it, there's that too. They wonder why our generation is so fucked up!

Anyway this is all for now but definitely to be continued...

Got to go watch some Cow and Chicken



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